What is Transcendental Meditation

Lady meditating

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a simple, natural and effortless technique practiced 20 minutes twice each day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. The TM technique is easy to learn and enjoyable to practice and is not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle. Over seven million people of all ages, cultures, and religions have learnt TM. TM is taught only in person by certified teachers.

The TM technique allows your mind to easily settle inward, through quieter levels of thought, until you experience the most silent and peaceful level of your own awareness.

What TM is not

It's not a religion, philosophy or lifestyle. It's not concentration, contemplation, or trying to be mindful—nor is it common "mantra" meditation. Transcendental Meditation is a simple mental technique. People often find that regular practice of TM helps them achieve clarity to pursue their highest aspirations.

How does it work

Transcendental Meditation allows your mind to settle inward beyond thought to the most silent, peaceful level of consciousness – your innermost Self. This deeply restful experience of transcending rejuvenates mind and body, leading to a wide range of benefits in daily life.

The technique allows the activity of the mind to settle down in a natural way until it is left quiet, yet wide awake. It allows stress and tiredness to be dissolved naturally, resulting in greater energy, clarity and enjoyment of life

How is TM different

Unlike most practices, Transcendental Meditation involves no effort. It's easy to learn, enjoyable to practise, and most people experience benefits from the start. The technique provides access to the reservoir of creativity, energy and intelligence deep within everyone – for more effective thinking, increased happiness and greater well-being.

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John Hagelin PhD, Quantum Physicist

John Hagelin PhD, Quantum Physicist

"Transcendental Meditation is the most widely researched form of meditation, its benefits for mind, body and emotions verified by hundreds of peer-reviewed studies."

Helle Pettersen, Nurse

"Those 20 minutes of silence were the quietest I had known for a long, long time. I felt I got in touch with my self, that inner peace, that person I am."